Biden White House Conspired for Months to Mislead Public About Hunter Pardon

We now know, per two left-wing sources, the Biden White House conspired for months to mislead the public about the Hunter Biden pardon.

For years, the regime media has done everything in its malevolent power to cover up and protect Joe and Hunter Biden. The far-left New York Times and NBC News are still in cover-up mode, but buried in their lengthy reports about Hunter Biden’s blanket, 11-year pardon for any and all federal crimes, is a bombshell of truth that proves we were lied to the entire time.

The Times story is laughably headlined:

“How Biden Changed His Mind on Pardoning Hunter: ‘Time to End All of This’”

Here’s the sub-headline:

The threat of a retribution-focused Trump administration and his son’s looming sentencings prompted the president to abandon a promise not to get involved in Hunter Biden’s legal problems.

Those are headlines specifically designed to mislead the public into believing that when Joe Biden and his surrogates told us that under no circumstance would Hunter receive a pardon, he was not lying. He just changed his mind, you see.


In this very same story, the Times’s very own reporting proves both of those headlines a lie. Beneath ten paragraphs lies this truth:

Mr. Biden had been privately grappling with the decision to pardon his son since shortly after Hunter Biden was convicted on federal gun charges in June, according to several people familiar with his thinking, despite publicly vowing that he would not interfere with a judicial system that had found his son guilty.

And there it is: there was no change of mind. A change of mind is deciding one thing and then deciding on something else.. Biden repeatedly told the American people he’d made the decision not to pardon Hunter. Per the Times, that was lie. Biden had not decided. He was still deciding, still grappling with the decision even as he told the American people that there was no circumstance in which he issue a pardon.

But wait… It gets worse…

According to no less than NBC News (and hidden beneath a dozen paragraphs, naturally), we are informed of the White House conspiracy to lie to the American people.

Get a heaping helping of this bombshell [emphasis added]:

The president has discussed pardoning his son with some of his closest aides at least since Hunter Biden’s conviction in June, said two people with direct knowledge of the discussions about the matter. They said it was decided at the time that he would publicly say he would not pardon his son even though doing so remained on the table.

And boom.

The White House denies this report… The same White that told us inflation was transitory, the border was secure, the Afghanistan pullout was executed well, violent crime was down, no one is coming after your gas stoves, Joe Biden is sharp as a tack and will not be pushed out of his reelection race.

Granted NBC lies just as much as Joe Biden, but NBC lies to protect Democrats. So, when something like this gets published, you better believe NBC believes it. Hell, if NBC were anything close to a respectable news outlet, that bombshell would’ve been the lead story instead of buried away like an embarrassment.

FLASHBACK: White House Insisted Joe Biden Wouldn’t Pardon Hunter Right After Trump Won Election

Everything about this pardon stinks… Just for starters, why a blanket pardon going back 11 years? Where did they come up with that number? Then there’s Biden accusing his very own Department of Justice of selectively prosecuting his son. The only selective prosecution here is corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland refusing to pursue the alleged and much more serious crimes revealed on Hunter’s laptop, crimes that could bring down Joe and his brother James. The gun and tax crimes are the least of it, but that’s what Garland selectively prosecuted, probably so that this pardon (which reaches back to Hunter’s days with Ukraine and Burisma) could sneak in a retroactive pardon for the much more serious crimes of selling access to the sitting Vice President for millions of dollars.

I’m telling ya, before Biden leaves office on January 20, he is very likely to pardon himself and his brother James. You see, because he’s out of legal jeopardy, Hunter can no longer hide behind the Fifth Amendment. That means that if he’s subpoenaed, he must testify under penalty of perjury. If he refuses to testify, I’m pretty sure the Steve Bannon rule will land Hunter in prison for six months.

We are only at the beginning of the beginning of this story.

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