The *Real* Reason the Far-Left Guardian Quit Xwitter

In a glorious snit, the far-left Guardian officially announced this week that it will no longer post on Elon Musk’s Xwitter.

The Guardian claims it has 80 Xwitter accounts with about 27 million followers and its stated reasons for exiting are exactly what you would expect from the Frank Burns Left — dishonest, smug, superior, scolding…

I’ll allow the Guardian to have its full say, and then I’ll tell you the real reason why the Guardian is fleeing the arena:

The Guardian said content on the platform about which it had longstanding concerns included far-right conspiracy theories and racism. It added that the site’s coverage of the US presidential election had crystallised its decision.

“This is something we have been considering for a while given the often disturbing content promoted or found on the platform, including far-right conspiracy theories and racism,” it said.

It added: “The US presidential election campaign served only to underline what we have considered for a long time: that X is a toxic media platform and that its owner, Elon Musk, has been able to use its influence to shape political discourse.”

Yeah, no…

Take a moment to read the replies in the Guardian’s xweets. Sure, you might find some “toxicity” in there, but read the overall replies in thesethreexweets and you will see the real reason for the Guardian forfeiting its voice in the public square. If you think I’m cherry-picking xweets to make my point, choose any Guardian xweet and read the replies.

No, better yet, read the replies found in any high-profile, left-wing Xwitter account. Go to Rob Reiner, Stephen King, Jake Tapper, Elizabeth Warren, Joy Reid, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Atlantic, NPR, etc., and you will see for yourself what I’m about to point out…











No one has to tell me Xwitter still attracts haters. Via every possible means of communication, I’m regularly hit with all kinds of hate. The difference between me and those who whine about it is that I’m not a little crybaby girl. Trust me, hate has nothing to do with the left’s ongoing censorship/boycotting jihad against Xwitter…

What the left cannot stand is the fact that they are losing the national debate.

With Xwitter no longer in the hands of fascists like Jack Dorsey, with the end of the blacklisting of conservatives and conservative ideas (which never ended the hate), Xwitter has become a much more vibrant and open-minded forum for all kinds of expression. More importantly, it is also something much closer to a no-bullshit-allowed zone.

Back in the Jack Dorsey days when only foo-foo elites were handed blue checkmarks and anyone who dared stray from the Leftist Thought Plantation was banned, these leftists never had to face serious challenges to their ideas or hypocrisies. People who dared were wished into the cornfield.

Well, those days are over…

Bad ideas — and that’s all the left has got — cannot survive in a forum where a slob like me has the same free speech rights as a Stephen King or Bette Midler or CNNLOL or even Elon Musk. Any one of us can jump into the replies to point out the double standards, the hypocrisies, and the facts. And when you are an ideologue, when you are closed-minded, when you do not have the maturity to change your mind in the face of reality, it is intolerable to lose an argument.

This is the same reason the left has never survived or succeeded on talk radio. Left-wing ideas cannot survive in an environment where they can be challenged.

Those of us on the right not only survive and succeed in a challenging environment, we can also flourish intellectually. Not because we are right about everything, but because we want to be right, which means we are willing to change our minds if the argument presented is persuasive.

Look at the Republican party today compared to the George W. Bush years… Today we are the anti-war, pro-labor, RFK Junior-makes-some-sense, there’s-room-for-Tulsi-and-Glenn Greenwald, anti-big business, dump-the-Cheneys, tariffs-sound-good, dismantle-the-FBI-CIA-NSA Party. Today, when it comes to free speech and civil liberties and the presumption of innocence, we are what the ACLU once was…

There is nothing more frustrating than losing an argument, than having the fact you are wrong shoved in your face. I know this because I’m wrong all the time. But rather than do what the Guardian has done — flee the arena screaming nonsense excuses — I try to be an adult, admit I’m wrong, and move on.

In Xwitterspeak this is called “the ratio,” or the ratio of replies that disagree with your xweet.  Some of it is toxic, sure. But let’s not lie to ourselves. Leftists love the toxicity because it validates their ongoing dehumanization of those who dare to disagree with them. From where I sit, that toxicity has lessened on social media. Today’s “ratio” is more about effectively dismantling the left’s argument, and…

That’s what the Guardian can’t stand, that’s what the left can’t stand, and those constant losses are why they are fleeing an arena where everyone is equal and the best ideas win.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook

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